

Us-India Air Bubble Transport Agreement


The US-India Air Bubble Transport Agreement: A Guide

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on travel around the world, with many countries restricting or entirely halting international flights. However, in an effort to restore some level of normalcy while still adhering to safety protocols, the United States and India have established an “Air Bubble” transport agreement that allows for limited travel between the two countries.

What is an Air Bubble?

An Air Bubble is essentially a reciprocal travel arrangement between two countries that have managed to contain the spread of COVID-19 within their borders. This allows for travel to resume between those two countries while still adhering to specific safety protocols, such as mandatory COVID-19 testing and other health and safety measures.

In the case of the US-India Air Bubble Transport Agreement, both countries have agreed to allow a limited number of flights to operate between them. This agreement has been put in place to facilitate travel for essential and urgent purposes, such as business, medical emergencies, or for Indian students who were studying in the US and need to return home.

How Does the Agreement Work?

The US-India Air Bubble Transport Agreement operates on a reciprocal basis, which means that each country must have an equal number of flights operating between them. Currently, there are only two airlines from each country that are authorized to operate flights under this agreement. United Airlines and Delta Airlines are the US carriers, while Air India and United Airlines India are the Indian carriers.

The agreement also outlines specific protocols that must be followed by all passengers traveling under the Air Bubble system. These include mandatory pre-departure COVID-19 testing and the need to follow all relevant health and safety regulations while on board the flight.

Who Can Travel Under the Air Bubble Agreement?

The US-India Air Bubble Transport Agreement is primarily designed to facilitate essential and urgent travel between the two countries. This includes travel for medical emergencies, business purposes, and Indian students who are returning home.

To be eligible to travel under this agreement, passengers must fulfill a set of strict conditions, such as having a valid visa and undertaking a mandatory COVID-19 test. It is also important to note that this agreement does not allow for tourists or other non-essential travel at this time.

In Conclusion

The US-India Air Bubble Transport Agreement is a significant step towards restoring some level of normalcy to international travel between the two countries. While the agreement only allows for a limited number of flights and restricts travel to essential and urgent purposes, it is a crucial development for those who need to travel between the US and India during these challenging times.

As always, it is essential to follow all relevant health and safety protocols while traveling, including wearing face masks and practicing physical distancing. By adhering to these guidelines, we can work towards a safer and healthier future for all.