

Construction Joint Venture Agreement Sample


A construction joint venture agreement is a legal contract between two or more companies that come together to work on a specific construction project. It outlines the terms and conditions of the joint venture, including the roles and responsibilities of each company, the rights and obligations of each party, and the distribution of profits and losses. In this article, we`ll take a closer look at what a construction joint venture agreement should include and provide a sample for reference.

Key Elements of a Construction Joint Venture Agreement

1. Parties involved: Identify the companies that are forming the joint venture and include their names, addresses, and other relevant information.

2. Purpose of the joint venture: Clearly state the purpose of the joint venture, including the specific construction project that the parties will be working on.

3. Roles and responsibilities: Outline the roles and responsibilities of each party, including who will be responsible for managing the project, overseeing construction, and handling finances.

4. Contributions: Specify what each party is contributing to the joint venture, including financial resources, equipment, and personnel.

5. Profit and loss distribution: Detail how profits and losses will be shared among the parties, including the percentage of profits to be distributed and any expenses that will be deducted from profits.

6. Termination: Include provisions for how the joint venture can be terminated, including reasons for termination and how assets and liabilities will be distributed.

Sample Construction Joint Venture Agreement

[Name of Joint Venture Agreement]

This Joint Venture Agreement (“Agreement”) is made and entered into on [date] by and between [Company A], a corporation organized under the laws of [state], with its principal place of business located at [address], and [Company B], a corporation organized under the laws of [state], with its principal place of business located at [address], both collectively referred to as the “Parties.”

Purpose of the Joint Venture

The Parties agree to form a joint venture for the purpose of constructing a [type of project] located at [project location]. The Parties acknowledge that the project will require significant financial resources, technical expertise, and personnel resources.

Roles and Responsibilities

The Parties agree that [Company A] shall be responsible for managing the project, overseeing construction, and ensuring compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. [Company A] will also be responsible for securing all necessary permits, licenses, and approvals.

[Company B] shall be responsible for providing technical expertise and equipment necessary for the completion of the project. [Company B] will also be responsible for providing personnel resources as needed.


[Company A] shall contribute [amount] in funding for the project.

[Company B] shall contribute [list of equipment, personnel, and technical resources].

Profit and Loss Distribution

The profits and losses of the joint venture shall be distributed as follows:

[Company A] shall receive [percentage] of the profits.

[Company B] shall receive [percentage] of the profits.

If any expenses are necessary for the completion of the project, they shall be deducted from the profits before distribution.


The Parties may terminate this Agreement for any reason by mutual agreement. Upon termination, any assets and liabilities of the joint venture shall be distributed in accordance with the contributions of each Party.


A construction joint venture agreement is a critical document that ensures all parties involved in a construction project understand their roles and responsibilities. A well-drafted agreement can help prevent disputes and misunderstandings and ensure the success of the project. The sample agreement provided in this article can be used as a starting point for drafting your own construction joint venture agreement.