

Common Technical Document Agreement


As technical documents serve as crucial guides for various industries, it’s essential to have a common understanding of technical document agreement. Technical document agreements are documents that outline the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties involved in producing the technical document. They help ensure that the document meets the desired quality, standards and expectations of the end user. In this article, we will discuss the common technical document agreements that should be understood by all parties.

Ownership and Confidentiality Agreements

Ownership and confidentiality agreements are essential for any technical document. It is imperative to ensure who owns the document and whether there are any specific confidentiality requirements. The agreement should define the ownership of the document, including copyrights, trademarks and patents. The confidentiality agreement should state which parts of the document are confidential and who can access it.

Scope of Work Agreement

The scope of work agreement should outline the intended audience, purpose, objectives, and timeline for the document. The agreement should explicitly state what is covered, and what is not and any assumptions made. This agreement should be updated as and when changes are made to the document.

Style Guide Agreement

A style guide agreement is essential to maintain consistency throughout the document. A style guide includes guidelines for grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, and formatting. This agreement should include any technical language or jargon that should be used in the document.

Review and Approval Agreement

A review and approval agreement is vital to ensure that the document meets the client’s desired quality. This agreement outlines the review process, including the review team, review deadlines, review requirements, and the approval process. The agreement should also state the client’s expectation for revisions and changes to the document.

Delivery Agreement

The delivery agreement should specify the format and delivery requirements for the final technical document. It should include the necessary software, platforms, and file formats for the document. It should also specify any delivery deadlines or other delivery requirements.


Technical documents play a crucial role in various industries, and it is essential that all parties involved in creating the document have a common understanding of the technical document agreement. The agreement should include ownership and confidentiality, scope of work, style guide, review, approval, and delivery agreements. Following these agreements can help ensure a successful and effective technical document.